Daoist and 2018

Hiya guys!

So seeing as Christmas has just passed and the new year is around the corner, I would like to discuss with you guys what the plans are for 2018 as well as give a little status update on Nobunaga’s Imouto is my Wife. As you might know, we haven’t been around for that long yet, but we do have great ambitions. Read all about it below.

Novels lineup

So in case you’re wondering, we have changed our novel line up a little since we started. As you might know, we dropped I Became the Villainess’s Brother and picked up HP9999999999 in its place. I’m glad to see that this new novel is liked as much as it is and the growth is insane. In case you haven’t had a look at it yet, I do recommend it.

Besides all of these, we have a couple of other projects we are currently looking at to pick up, and we are also talking with a few quality translators to join us on Daoist and start translating on here. If you are a translator and you are interested in joining up, don’t be scared to contact us.

That’s great and all but what about Nobunaga?

As you might know, Nobunaga’s Imouto is my Wife is a great story, but it does have huge pitfalls. The fact that it is all based on actual historical facts is probably the most annoying thing of all. However, I can say that we will not drop this series and that we will continue it in 2018. We will probably release the next chapter before the new year, so look forward to it!

Website changes

As you might have already seen, we did a lot of updates on the website. We will soon roll out, even more, updates, which will include simple things such as text size enlarger and switching between a light and dark theme and also stuff that will be of influence to patrons such as patron-only content. This includes images and trivia about the characters and their stories.

Change in patron tiers

To accommodate people that do not have a high income but still wish to get something for their donations, we have decided to lower our patron tiers. We have made a list below on what tiers there will be in 2018 and their rewards that come with them.

$1: Supporter
You are helping our translations in the right direction, in return, you can browse our site ad-free.

$5: Casual
You are helping our translations in the right direction, in return, you can read ahead one chapter and be able to browse our site ad-free.

$10: Binger
You are helping our translations in the right direction, in return, you can read ahead two chapters, be able to browse ad-free and you will have access to our special binge-only content.

$20: Otaku
You are greatly helping our translation in the right direction, in return, you can read ahead all the chapters we have available, be able to browse ad-free, have access to our special otaku-only content and your name will be glorified on all the releases. You can also have our firstborn if you’d like.

Keep in mind that we are still rolling out the new changes, so not all the functionality might be available right away.


We finally have our discord up and running, it still needs a few tweaks here and there, but it should work fine. Keep in mind to connect through Patreon if you are a patron.

Anything else?

If you have questions or remarks, feel free to discuss them below.