New website

As a regular, you might have noticed some changes to the website. We completely changed the look and feel towards a darker website, to improve reading in the dark (since we all know you guys are lurkers). Furthermore, we added a bunch of other stuff and there are still many more things planned for the future. Keep reading to find out what.


A brand new layout completely fine-tuned for speed and to increase your reading experience. The layout will have many more functions in the future, such as switching to a lighter version.

RSS (Feed)

We enabled RSS again, we got a couple of requests stating that they wanted to be kept up to date through RSS. Your prayers have been heard and thus we added a simple feed which will show the 5 latest chapters that have been released.

Removed contact

We decided on removing the contact form, 90% of the emails we got were spam or requests for updating a certain novel. Obviously, this wasn’t what the form was meant for. We are working on setting up a Discord for our readers.

Adblock Detection

Sorry, had to do it! That said, I promise that the advertisements on the website are in no way disturbing and will not take much extra time to load.

Anything else?

Did we miss some type of feature that you would find awesome to see? Let us know below in the comment section.